It’s been suggested to me that the party should accept this, not waste an eager contender who might have a chance if there’s no incumbent in 2024 and instead run a heavy hitter who’d accept their job was just to put on as good a show as possible.
Will Norman’s ‘Cyclists are too male and white’ comments merely repeat a long-established ambition to open London’s streets to all bike users
Instead of getting whipped up into a frenzy over the restatement of a decade-old ambition and twice inherited policy, critics might better spend their time asking what Team Khan have done in the previous two years to realise their ambitions.
In an age of devolution the UK’s arcane Purdah rules simply hinder good government
While the intent behind the rules is to stop politicians pumping out tax funded PR which might help sway voters, when applied to a strategic scrutiny body such as the Assembly, the actual impact is to impede the public challenging of top decision makers at agencies such as Transport for London and the Met Police.
At City Hall, the Mayor and London Assembly are already helping to reduce single-use plastic
I arrived at City Hall in May 2016 and one of the things that surprised me the most was the amount of plastic in use in building – plastic knives, forks and spoons if you bought food in the canteen but wanted to eat it elsewhere, plastic “glasses” which emerged every time water was offered to guests – and so on.
Nothing’s ever perfect, but City Hall remains a good example of public accountability which other bodies could learn from
Having previously called for Val and Sadiq to clean out the over-represented “mayoral mates and silent vested interests” which used to sit on the TfL board, it’s good to see their efforts to do just that are paying off.