Boris Johnson has been accused of “hypocrisy” over calls for Londoners to sign-up to a home insulation scheme run by the energy industry.
On Tuesday the Mayor urged home owners to call the Home Heat Helpline (0800 33 66 99 ) to see what help they may be entitled to.
Assistance can include free and subsidised loft insulation, cavity wall insulation or help with heating properties.
Mayor Johnson said: “Retrofitting London is at the top of my to do list, not only will it save you money and save carbon but it is boosting the economy by creating vital jobs.
“There is help available for vulnerable Londoners to get their homes insulated, lagged and warm this winter, so fight the freeze and get the help you’re entitled to.”
However Green party London Assembly member Darren Johnson said the Mayor had failed to protect funding for his own RE:NEW insulation scheme in his negotiations with Ministers.
Mr Johnson said: “The Mayor has dithered while more than a million people are shivering in their homes this winter. I’m amazed that he claims this is at the top of his to do list.
“He lost his home insulation budget for future years to cuts, and he has failed to secure any changes to the national scheme that has left London short-changed by £350m.
“While the Government needs to act on rip-off energy bills, the Mayor could have insulated every home in London by now if he and the Government had got their act together.”