According to figures provided by TfL, expenses claims made by its seven most senior executives totalled more than £22,000 between 2010 and September 2012.
Of the overall sum, £16,125 was claimed by Transport Commissioner Sir Peter Hendy whose expenses totalled £5,316.52 in 2010, £5,666.77 in 2011 and £5,141.99 in 2012.
Sir Peter’s claims for 2012 include more than £2,500 on Taxis and travelling costs. He also claimed hundreds of pounds on meals and £99.60 for a subscription to Ville Rail & Transports magazine.
Over the period covered by the disclosure, executives charged Londoners more than £1,500 for magazine and professional subscriptions.
According to TfL’s Annual Report, Sir Peter earned £331,175 during 2011/12, more than twice the £143,911 earned by Mayor Boris Johnson.
In a statement accompanying the expenses figures, TfL said: “Sir Peter Hendy travels to and from work by public transport and he also regularly uses public transport when travelling in the capital on business.
“He is overseeing the delivery of a ten-year multi-billion pound budget to manage transport in London, and also deliver Crossrail and the upgrade of the Tube and there are occasions when his full schedule and late hours necessitate the use of taxis (which, of course, TfL licenses).”
Commenting on the figures, Green Party London Assembly Memeber Darren Johnson said: “When you have a packed schedule jumping in a cab occassionally is unavoidable.
“But when it’s public money it should be the exception rather than the rule. I’d have thought Peter Hendy would want to lead by example and make much greater use of the tube and buses.”
Link: TfL Chief Officer expenses, Source: TfL
(The date field refers to the date the expense claim was submitted.)